Shiti on line për 780 mijë dollarë virgjërinë e saj!

A Brazilian student, Catarina Migliorini, organized an online auction where he sold her virginity for 780 thousand dollars. He won the right to cvirgjëruar 20 vjecaren was a japozez who arrti defeat 15 rivals offerings were mostly Americans and Indians. This action of the Students of physical education caused outrage in the world and many people called him a prostitute.

"I saw an opportunity for business. I have the opportunity to travel, to be part of a movie and get a bonus. If you do once in life, you're not a prostitute. Auction is just business. I am a romantic girl and I believe in love, "said the 20-year-old who thotëse with part of the money will be used to build houses for poor families.

 Also an Australian television crew will follow her every step of preparing a documentary called "Virgins Wanted". The documentary will not reveal the identity of the buyer of virginity or sexual act. / /